Convening partners to build a vibrant food system in which people & place flourish.

Everybody Eats is a Collective Impact process that engages leaders from across public, private, and community sectors to work together to build a more vibrant food system in Newfoundland and Labrador.


Building on two years of intensive public consultation and led by a multi-agency leadership team with secretariat support from Food First NL, Everybody Eats works to bring together diverse voices to build solutions and buy-in on complex food system challenges.


A recovery that strengthens our food systems

Drawing on the many conversations that have happened around Everybody Eats tables, we are envisioning a recovery from COVID-19 that strengthens our food systems, combats food insecurity, and builds a more sustainable future


Measuring what matters

We have identified 10 common indicators that provide system level tracking of the status of each of the five domains of a vibrant food system.


The Everybody Eats Network

Everybody Eats has more than 20 participating organizations divided across three action groups and a leadership team. They represent diverse and important players in our provincial food system and are supported with time and resources from Food First NL.


How we got here

Years of public conversation and consultation forms the foundation of Everybody Eats. You can read our Discussion Paper and What We Heard report here and learn about the “Collective Impact” process we use.


“We are seeing the collective focus on food security and gaining inspiration and tools to create positive action across sectors”

— Everybody Eats Participant